Louis Van Gaal Snubs Erik ten Hag, Hails Arne Slot As The Best Dutch Coach For Liverpool!

Louis Van Gaal Snubs Erik ten Hag, Hails Arne Slot As The Best Dutch Coach For Liverpool!

Despite criticism from Erik ten Hag and a downplaying of Slot’s accomplishments with Feyenoord in comparison to PSV Eindhoven, Louis Van Gaal hails Arne Slot, the new coach of Liverpool, as the best Dutch coach.

Louis Van Gaal On Arne Slot

Arne Slot is the new head coach of Liverpool and former Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal has hailed him calling him the best technical coach from the Netherlands.

Van Gaal acknowledged that Slot would have a difficult time replacing Jurgen Klopp who led Liverpool to great success during his tenure.

Withstanding the Premier League pressure Van Gaal thinks Slot is a great fit for the team.

But his praise for Slot stands in stark contrast to his opinion of Erik ten Hag the manager of Manchester United at the moment whom he notably left out of the same compliments.

The Red Devils Manager’s Words

Erik ten Hag, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic about Slot’s credentials. He downplayed Feyenoord’s achievements under Slot, arguing that PSV Eindhoven outperformed them in all aspects during the recent season.

According to Ten Hag, PSV, managed by Peter Bosz, demonstrated superior ball dominance, pressure, and intensity, suggesting that Feyenoord’s success was overhyped. He said,

“People have been going overly lyrical about Feyenoord.

Feyenoord were steady this year but not top.

PSV Eindhoven were two classes better in all areas; in terms of dominating the ball, in terms of putting on pressure, in terms of intensity, you name it.

Peter Bosz (manager) and his staff did that top notch, but the rest of the club is also well put together. PSV Eindhoven were better than the rest by such a long distance, even so much better than Feyenoord.”

Ten Hag’s comments come despite Feyenoord’s improved points total from their previous championship season and their victory in the Dutch Cup, where they defeated PSV in the round of 16.

Though most of them haven’t yet had a chance to speak with him because of his current focus on the Euros, Liverpool’s players are excited about working with Slot.

A New Dawn At Anfield

Bradly from Northern Ireland and Andy Robertson from Liverpool both expressed their delight at Slot’s appointment anticipating the fresh perspective and leadership he will provide to the group.

There is a tangible sense of excitement and wonder about how Slot’s tactics will play out on the field as preseason draws near and Liverpool supporters are hoping that their new manager can carry on the momentum from Klopp’s era.

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