“They’re not ready,” says Jamie Carragher on what he just heard from Liverpool FC

“They’re not ready,” says Jamie Carragher on what he just heard from Liverpool FC

The resignations of Julian Ward and Ian Graham have shocked Liverpool, and Jamie Carragher is now speaking out about the matter.

Jamie Carragher speaks for Liverpool on the newest resignations

The 44-year-old, though, did nothing to allay concerns. Concerns of something is awry at Liverpool when he was chatting to Sky Sports about the unexpected exits at Anfield.

The Reds were placed up for sale only weeks before Ward and Graham announced their resignations. So there is definitely cause for alarm for Liverpool supporters.

Ward will remain in the position of Director of Football until the conclusion of the current season. He had barely taken over when Michael Edwards, who served in that position for the previous term, gave his own notice of resignation.

A new change for the Scousers?

Liverpool has been shocked by the resignations of Julian Ward and Ian Graham. And Jamie Carragher is now speaking out about the situation.

Graham, who serves as the Director of Research at Anfield, will also serve out his notice time there. It’s interesting to note that the Guardian claims that in light of Ward’s decision to resign, Liverpool is now considering completely eliminating the Director of Football position.

That, together with Graham’s resignation as director of research, may indicate that Liverpool is getting ready to abandon the data-driven approach. An approach that has worked so well for them under Jürgen Klopp.


“Yeah, it’s not ideal. It does feel like a little bit of a shock and I think it is a little bit of a worry for Liverpool right now. It’s come as a shock, I’m sure they’re not prepared for something like that (the upheaval) right now.”

Andy Robertson and Mohamed Salah, who were both far from being the superstars they are now when Klopp signed them, were two examples of players Liverpool was persuaded to buy.

There is a lot of change now occurring at Anfield. And only time will tell if it will leave Liverpool in a better position than they currently find themselves in.

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