A Mistake That Liverpool Did: Nemanja Vidic On Jurgen Klopp Era

A Mistake That Liverpool Did: Nemanja Vidic On Jurgen Klopp Era

Former defender of Manchester United recently opened up about something that Kopites needed to hear. Nemanja Vidic pointed out a mistake that made Liverpool suffer while Jurgen Klopp was still there.

The unexpected departure of Jurgen Klopp has saddened the Liverpool FC and their fans. Wearing a crown for eight long years was not easy, but Klopp held the spirits high. Now, Vidic has something to say about LFC’s mistake during his time.

Nemanja Vidic On Something That Jurgen Klopp And LFC Stopped Doing

For years, the Reds in Anfield have failed to catch up with the Red Devils. But, with Klopp in their side, LFC successfully tore through MUFC. When Jurgen Klopp took over the ship of Liverpool, he made sure that his team went ahead of the Red Devils.

The Serbian Warrior, Vidic, despite playing in the MUFC, didn’t hold back from giving Klopp his flowers. He admitted that under the German manager, LFC played extremely well.

It’s all about placing the ball in the right place at the right time. Nemanja Vidic praised Jurgen Klopp for how LFC excelled other teams in terms of possession. But, there’s one more thing that Nemanja Vidic noticed in the team of Jurgen Klopp.

After playing for the whole season, the Reds could not hold their performance up like they did. According to Nemanja Vidic, the team missed something even under Jurgen Klopp. For the last few matches, Vidic could spot a significant dip in Liverpool’s intensity of playing.

“Maybe not in the season just gone, but a couple of years ago, he was playing more direct, more running with a high intensity, it was exciting.”

Vidic told SkySports.

Liverpool Are Starting A New Age: Klopp’s Replacement

Jurgen Klopp helped Liverpool win almost every major trophy out there. He has built a strong foundation – after the Champions Trophy win, he established Liverpool as one of the best football clubs. After a drought of 34 years, Liverpool won the first Premier League title. 

Nemanja Vidic, being an admirer, praised Jurgen Klopp after LFC due to these achievements. Although he, in reality, is an irreplaceable manager, Klopp has left the Reds now. Arne Slot is here to fill his shoes – considering all the transfer rumours are breakout predictions, we are looking forward to the Slot era.

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