The family of Cristiano Ronaldo thanked Liverpool fans for their gesture

The family of Cristiano Ronaldo thanked Liverpool fans for their gesture

The family Cristiano Ronaldo have thanked Liverpool fans for their show of support towards the Manchester United striker and his partner.

After Cristiano Ronaldo and his partner Georgina Rodriguez shared a post about the demise of their baby boy a couple of days ago, Liverpool fans decided to plan a gesture for the Portuguese international and his partner.

The match between the Reds and the Red Devils was played at Anfield, where all the fans stood up in the 7th minute of the match and sang ”you’ll never walk alone”. This gesture by the kops was admired from all over the world and for that minute Manchester United fans and Liverpool fans were united.

Words by the family of Cristiano Ronaldo

Ronaldo’s Madeira-based sister Elma showed her emotion overnight by publishing footage of the gesture on her social media and writing

Thank you for this Liverpool. We will never forget what you did today.

She finished her message with a heart emoji.

Sibling Katia, posting from her home in Brazil, wrote

Way beyond football

against her own video set against the chorus of ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone

The sisters and their mum Dolores Aveiro also demonstrated they are placing their faith in God to help them overcome the tragic loss that has afflicted the family. Dolores, quoting a Bible verse, wrote on her Instagram in Portuguese

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your way acknowledge Him and he shall direct your Paths

Liverpool hammering Manchester United:

The match between Manchester United and Liverpool was quite one-sided. The Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo obviously was not featured in the match. The Merseyside club dominated the game and scored 4 goals against the wounded giants of English football.

Moreover, Liverpool are currently the league leaders having played a game more than Manchester City.

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