Liverpool Linked With 18 y/o Real Madrid Target!!

Liverpool Linked With 18 y/o Real Madrid Target!!

Liverpool are heavily linked with Lille defender Leny Yoro but face competition from Real Madrid, Manchester United, and PSG for the 18 y/o.

Because of Joel Matip’s departure signing a defender is a priority for the club and Yoro’s name ticks all the boxes for the Reds.

If Liverpool reaches an agreement he will be the first signing under Slot.

Real Madrid Frontrunners

Even though Liverpool are linked, Real Madrid remain frontrunners for his signature.

David Ornstein reported on The Athletic

“Liverpool and Manchester United are actively pursuing a deal to sign Lille centre-back Leny Yoro, albeit with an acceptance that Real Madrid may ultimately win the contest.”

Fabrizio Romano said on Playback

“Liverpool are there, Liverpool are interested in Yoro. Liverpool believe that Yoro will be a fantastic player. So, Liverpool have included Yoro in their shortlist.”

“Liverpool are now waiting to see what happens between Yoro and Real Madrid. If Real Madrid will go strong on this one, they have the preference of the player.”

Liverpool hope to beat Real Madrid and others to Leny Yoro’s signature.

Tchouameni and Bellingham were similar cases, they were wanted by Liverpool but both players ended up getting signed by Madrid.

Leny Yoro To Liverpool?

Came through the ranks at Lille, Yoro is one of the players in demand this summer.

The 18 y/o was one of the best center-backs in Ligue 1 this season with 32 appearances under his name.

The Reds had a lot of defensive issues to be dealt with towards the end of the last season.

So Leny Yoro could be a great signing for Liverpool adding quality and depth to the Liverpool defence.

It still remains unknown where he will end up when the transfer window closes.

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