Liverpool In Fierce £42M Battle For Wonderkid Amidst PSG and Man United Competition!

Liverpool In Fierce £42M Battle For Wonderkid Amidst PSG and Man United Competition!

Liverpool are up against PSG and Manchester United’s huge bid for £42 million for Lille’s Leny Yoro in an attempt to bolster their defence while Real Madrid is hesitant.

Liverpool Trying Their Best Bid For Leny Yoro

Liverpool are working hard to bolster their central defence by acquiring Lille’s Leny Yoro a French defender.

According to reports from several Spanish media sites such as Mundo Deportivo Lille are requesting £42 million (€50 million) in exchange for the 18-year-old whose contract is scheduled to expire next summer.

Although Yoro would prefer to join Real Madrid the Spanish team are reluctant to pay the asking price because they might be able to sign him for nothing in a year.

The Competitors

As they have already placed their bids Liverpool and Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) are eager to match Lille’s demand.

PSG have placed a sizable bid of €60 million surpassing the alleged €50 million offer made by Liverpool last week.

In spite of PSG’s unwillingness to meet the current asking price, Yoro has turned down the club’s generous offer expressing his strong desire to hold out for Real Madrid.

The Rivals Joining In

Premier League Rivals Manchester United have also joined the race intensifying the competition in this transfer saga and increasing the pressure on Real Madrid to take a stand.

Top teams are vying for Yoro’s signature and given the growing interest from Manchester United Liverpool and PSG Real Madrid is anticipated to start talks shortly.

It will be interesting to see how this transfer war plays out and more information will likely become available as things develop.

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